Friday, July 2, 2010

A Place I Like to Call Paradise: Jamaica.

It is a place where you get lost in the beauty of the island and people and never want to leave. A place where time seems to slow down. Way down. To the point where you do not remember what day it is, what time it is and one day feels like one week. A place where no one can complain because it is THAT spectacular. A place where everyone calls rain "liquid sunshine."

A place where every single person is happy to have met you. A place where the water is so blue, you can see your feet five feet deep. A place where you HAVE to try everything at least once. Every activity, food and drink. A place where music and dancing is so free that it does not matter if sweat is rolling down your body because you feel free. A place where fruit taste so fresh, it is candy in your mouth. A place where you hear Bob Marley's songs being played throughout the day and nothing but rhythm fills your heart. A place where you lay on the beach next to your best friend, holding hands and whispering dreams to one another of your new life together.

A place where "Yeah Mon" and "No Worries" are the phrases most used and puts any heart at ease. A place where horseback riding up a mountain and overlooking the entire city with your love takes your breath away. A place where friendships of new friends from Kansas City to across the world are formed. A place where jumping off a catamaran boat makes you squeal like a little kid. A place where you laugh so hard, your drink comes out of your nose. Maybe you let out a snort or two. A place where rum cream is quite the delectable. A place where five course meals are the perfect way to end a beautiful day on a beautiful island.

A place where your body has been kissed by the sun. A place where you hair turns into ringlet curls. A place where the sound of the ocean waves outside your bedroom is the most peaceful and blissful sound you have ever heard. A place where happiness is felt through every person, every muscle and every joint in your body. A place that is simply gorgeous that you cannot help but think you are dreaming. This is Ochos Rios, Jamaica and our honeymoon.

Enjoy our slideshow Bryan and I put together!

The Lindseys (couldn't resist!)

1 comment:

Megan said...

aww Shefy, I'm so happy for you! congrats to you and Brian!
