Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fate or Luck?

It started Saturday morning at the breakfast table with my dad laughing and planning for Bryan and I's special day. It continued with laying on my parents' bed with my mum talking about everything into the late afternoon. My friends, her work and wedding stuff. You know, girl talk. It ended with an evening dinner (gluten-free I might add!) on the deck with Bryan's stepdad, mum, sisters and us complete with wine, storytelling and a lot of laughing. The icing to my day was the gluten-free pumpkin muffins Bryan's mum, Liz, bought out that were OUT OF THIS WORLD! I soaked up the day's events wondering one question: was it fate or luck that I ended up not only having an amazing dad, mum and little brother but to become an official member to a family whom I love and hold dear to my heart of a man whom I am insanely in love with for the past six and half years? Well, I didn't have an answer at that moment, so I pondered about it the rest of the weekend.

It was watching Bryan's nieces get baptized and seeing Bryan as a proud godfather. It was holding our niece, Savannah, in the middle of the afternoon, just the two of us, making her smile. Real big. To the point where we could hardly handle it. It was eating chocolate in the corner of the kitchen, dripping chocolate everywhere and laughing with my gal and soon-to-be cousin-in-law, Kelsey, while everyone around us laughed as we made a mess in the kitchen. It was going barefoot in the grass, climbing rocks and laughing as we took our girly goofy pictures. It was watching Bryan's Aunt Kathy bring out the shower cake WITH icing and announcing it was gluten-free while hugging my future mum-in-law, Liz, and telling her she is amazing for knowing me a little too well. It was watching my dad and Bryan's stepdad, Rich, eat cake and laugh together. It was playing games with Bryan and watching him do the bubble gum game all the while knowing deep down, he was having the time of his life.

It was looking over at my mum every so often and seeing the smile and laughter on her face that was so pure that it made me want to cry a happy tear. It was watching Bryan open our gifts and with each passing gift, the level of excitement would increase until the very last one had me jumping up and down and screaming. It was glancing over at my brother, drinking his beer and talking to Bryan's four year old niece, Carley, for thirty minutes about anything and everything.

It was driving home later that night and feeling pure bliss while holding Bryan's hand. It was ending a fun evening by sitting on the back deck with Liz, B and our glasses of wine watching the lightening bugs light up the property like it was Christmas and listening to the owls. It was driving back to Kansas City, singing and rocking out to Ace of Base with Bryan. That is when I realized it. It was fate AND luck. It was fate that I met Bryan. We were meant to be together. Like two puzzle pieces that fit ever so perfectly. It was luck that I got the BEST family to become a part of and every moment I spend with them, I see where Bryan gets his best traits. So, to the man upstairs, thank you for giving me the chance to experience both fate AND luck this weekend.

Enjoy the pictures from this weekend!

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