Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who Am I?

Who am I? It is a question we often ask ourselves. I think each person is defined differently. That is what makes each of us unique and special. People ask me often why they should choose me as a photographer. After all, every photographer essentially takes great pictures. However, it is their style and the person they are that brings a different flavor of fun to each session. I am still working on defining my style, but as far as Who am I? Well, I think I am slowly figuring out what makes me, well me. What makes me unique from the next photographer. To get a better glimpse of Who am I, check out my new About Me section of the blog! With a little help from Bryan, I whipped up quite a few statements that are fun and give a better glimpse of Who I am as a person. One of my favorite photographers, Jasmine Star, once said, "Photography doesn't define me. It's all the pieces of my life that define me and inspire me to be a better photographer." I cannot agree more to her statement!

Stay tune for some pictures next week of our big move! Yes, that is right. Smack dab in the middle of my finals, photography sessions, working and wedding planning, Bryan and I are moving into our new place. You can call us a couple of crazies, but we are almost done packing and are SO ready to be done living out of boxes and suitcases! I hate, yes hate moving, but this move, well it's not so bad. I guess it helps that I get to be moving in and finally living with my best friend and soon-to-be-hubby! So, here is to the weekend and the big move. Bring. It. On.

Happy Thursday!

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