Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Family: The Hathaways and the Spurgeons.

There are a lot of reasons I love being a photographer. I love having the opportunity to be an artist and let my creativity run wild. I love being outside on gorgeous days and take in all of Mother Nature's beauty. Most of all, I LOVE meeting new people and catching up with old friends. The Hathaways were one of my first clients back in September. I absolutely adore Brett, Sally and Lucy! I kind of owe Sally a lot. I mean a lot. Let's just say without her help nine months ago, I would not be as successful today and probably still doing what I love!

I got the honor of spending a beautiful and fabulous morning with the Hathaways and their friends, the Spurgeons. Sally and Alison are good friends from college. Watching them laugh and just hang out during the session reminded me a lot of my best gals from college. I hope when we have little ones, we stay as close of friends as Sally and Alison. Prior to our session, Sally told me I would love Chad and Alison and was she right! They are a hoot, and I pretty much adore them! What I loved most about them was this bond they have with each other. They are crazy about one another, they have fun and they both have killer personalities!

Oh, and did I mention, each family has a little one. And if I must say, Lucy and Will are CUTE. So darn cute that I wanted to play with them rather than take photos, which says a lot since I have a mild obsession with my camera. Lucy is no longer a baby who crawls but a big girl who walks, talks and marches to her own beat! And her smile kills me every time. As for Will, well let's just say, he is going to be breaking girls hearts all over the place! I'm kind of not kidding!

To the Hathaways and Spurgeons, you all are fabulous. Seriously. I had such a hard time picking out my favorites. I guess that is what happens when you're a stunning group! xoxo.


lisa said...


Sally Suzanne said...

These are redic. You are so amazing Shefy!!!