Friday, January 8, 2010


It was Wednesday morning, and I was reading my emails. I thought I would turn on the TV and see what was on. Now, I love Rachel Ray's cooking shows, so I saw her talk show on and thought why not? I didn't have many plans for the day except to read, stay warm and await the snow we were expecting that day. Well, I tuned into her show on the right day. She had a "happiness expert" on her show by the name of Dr. Andrea Goeglein. While I was still trying to question if there was such a thing as a happiness expert, she caught my attention in some of the knowledge she was sharing with the viewers and the audience.

If someone were to ask you what is the most popular New Year's resolution that people make around the world, what would you guess? If it is to lead a happier life in the coming year then you are correct. Now, she didn't feed the viewers and the audience with some crazy theories on how to live a happier life. She suggested starting with three things:

1. To get rid of the word "but" and replace it with "and." To make everything that comes out of your mouth be a positive statement rather than negative. Easier said than done, but it is a good challenge that I am up for.

2. To smile more. Some might know this, but frowning uses more muscles and there have been studies shown on how people who smile more than people who frown, do live a happier life. Simple enough.

3. To "embrace gratitude." When you feel down, it is a good time to think about all the great things in your life. Bryan has always given me wonderful advice as he has repeatedly stated, "We are all on our own path, and we have to live life to the fullest." Be thankful and you might be able to tell a difference in your outlook on life.

I thought this was fun, and I would share it with friends, family and my clients as everyone begins 2010 with a fresh start. I plan on taking these three suggestions and implementing them in my life!

Hope everyone has a warm and wonderful Friday and weekend!

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