Friday, February 5, 2010

Delicious Designs: Anthropologie.

INTRODUCING...drum roll please...bbbrrrrrrrrrr (my drum roll sound)...DELICIOUS DESIGNS! It is a new segment for my blog I have come up with, and it will be posted every Friday. The point of this is to give my readers, clients, friends and family a chance to see what inspires me. All of you might be thinking that photographs are what are supposed to inspire me, and you are right. However, it is art and design that inspires an artist. I am an artist, therefore, I am going to post images every Friday of anything and everything related to design that inspires my photography in one way or another. You might wonder what a dress or a mug might have to do with inspiration. It gives my mind a chance to wander, to see patterns, color, textures and to use that toward what I am passionate about which is art and photography! I have been reading a lot of blogs lately of artists ranging from designers to photographers, you know to give myself and my mind a break from the hundreds of pages I read a week for my education classes. From reading these blogs, I have realized I need to start blogging more. (There are going to be more segments debuting soon!). This is a chance for everyone who reads this blog or wants to know more about me as a person to step inside my world. After all, every photographer can give you photographs you will treasure. To me personally, what sets apart each photographer from the next is their style and who they are as a person. Every family and couple I have photographed has told me that my personality is why they love me and call me again and again. I guess my photography skills have something to do with it as well. I somehow make them feel like I have known them for years and I'll admit it, I can get wrapped around any child's finger in a second, which makes them feel right at home with my camera and me! I hope you enjoy Delicious Designs and get to see who I am as a person and an artist.

This week's debut will start with the one and only, Anthropologie! I think in another lifetime, I was a designer or buyer for this gorgeous store because every single item they show in store and on their website, I am absolutely smitten for. A photographer whom I think of as a beautiful artist and writer, Kara Layne, wrote, "Anthropologie makes me feel like a teenage girl on her first date." How perfectly stated! This store represents everything I love, colors, styles, textures and of course if I was a millionaire, I would own every item they sell. Maybe someday.

For now, enjoy everything that makes my heart fill with joy.

The perfect mug to sip some raspberry tea on a Monday morning!

What a brilliant jewelry designer!

Just the perfect headband to wear to make any gal feel like a little girl or a princess!

Hi Paisley. I am obsessed with you!

Yeah, that is going to have to end up in our home!

How fun to send one of these sew Valentine's cards to your special someone?

So fun!


Hello Beautiful!

If Bryan and I win the lottery, this is the first thing we are buying. Convincing Bryan is going to be the hardest part. The colors make me want to explode with happiness.

Oh my goodness!

I am in love.

This screams nothing but sunshine and summertime.

Have a warm (what is with the snow in Kansas City today?!), safe and awesome Superbowl weekend! Come back for a visit on Monday as I will be debuting something else fun and new!

Happy Friday!

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