Friday, September 11, 2009


I walked out of the girl's locker room to the atrium in our high school gym. It was first period, and I had weightlifting that morning. I was in my own world thinking of the Pre-calculus homework I had to finish up before class. As I was approaching our atrium, I saw a large group of students and teachers surrounded by our atrium's TV. I didn't understand what was going on. I looked at the screen, and I saw a clip being replayed of the first plane crashing into the twin tower. My jaw dropped. I remember not worrying about my Pre-calculus homework anymore; we didn't do anything that day in school except watch the TV in fear and disbelief as to how something like this could happen to the country we live in. I remember praying a lot that day. I remember friends calling their families who had family members who lived or worked in the areas that were hit by the planes. I remember leaving school that day, and on my way to a friend's house, I saw a line that was a mile long at the gas station by my house. At home later that night, I remember telling my mum I was scared as to what was going to happen. She reassured me everything would be ok. I realized that evening that I not only witnessed something that would change our history, but something that was powerful. I get goosebumps thinking of how I remember all the details of this day. This was eight years ago.

There are so many people of all walks of life who lost their life that day. Some had the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, which I don't know is easier or harder. Either way, it is to them I prayed for this morning and will pray for tonight that their memory lives on within their families and their loved ones. No, this post was not about photography, however it's a place to share my thoughts as well. Sometimes it takes remembering a day like 9/11 that make us realize we are lucky to have the life we live. It should make us extra grateful for the people who are fighting for our country overseas, the fire and police department. They strive for living their code of honor to the fullest in order to make sure people are safe and happy! To them, I want to say thank you. To everyone else, do a silent prayer for the families who lost their loved ones in 9/11.

On a much happier note, we are off to St. Louis once again this weekend. However, this time I get to do something I have been waiting awhile to do: see the Cardinals in the new stadium. Oh yeah! Talk about one excited girl. I have my Pujols jersey packed in my bag and ready to break out tomorrow. Oh how I missed seeing the Cardinals. Too bad KC doesn't air the games on cable television. (This is probably my only complaint of KC.) Check back Monday for some "Shots of the Weekend." Not to mention, I am second shooting with my friend, Amy, for a birthday party in St. Louis, so hopefully I will have some eye candy to display as well.

Happy Friday!

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