Monday, September 14, 2009

Shots from the Weekend.

The color red has so many different meanings to me. Red is the color that signifies my Indian background; it brings luck on so many different occasions on big holidays and events. While most brides wear white on their wedding day, I will be wearing hints of red next June! (You learn something new everyday.) However, this post is not about Indian weddings. It's about a major part of where I come from: St. Louis. Some big names from St. Louis that might pop into your head are: Anheuser Busch, Schlafy's, St. Louis Zoo, Six Flags, Ted Drewes, the Arch, Botanical Gardens, Forest Park, and oh yes...The Cardinals baseball team. Bryan and I are HUGE Cardinals fans, however, with us living in Kansas City, we are not able to cheer them on as much as we like. We have been wanting to go to a Cardinals game for the past few years since the new stadium opened but never got the chance. So, to start my 25th birthday celebration, Bryan bought us tickets to the Braves vs. Cardinals game at Busch Stadium! Did I mention how much I love him?!

When we entered, I wanted to visit every Cardinals stores, hug all the walls and possibly kiss them, look for Albert Pujols, and take pictures of everything I saw! For anyone who is from St. Louis, you can understand the feeling of how your heart just bubbles seeing so much red and spirit in one area. I loved when we hit a run or when the coach was in the umpire's face, how the whole crowd would stand up and start to cheer. I remember looking at Bryan, smiling a LOT, and telling him how at home I felt. We love Kansas City, but when we are in St. Louis, we are simply happy. It's where home is and always will be to us. Overall, the game was awesome (even if we did lose), and I felt like a five year old who got the best gift on Christmas morning (except I was almost 25 and at the Cardinals game with my best friend!). What more could a gal ask for?

Happy Monday!

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