Thursday, August 26, 2010

Family: The Bahrs.

It's been something I have been wanting to do. But, each time I come to a session, see little kids, I get all frazzled, scared and overwhelmed. However, I finally did it! I finally made myself take a deep breath before I walked up to the family and told myself, it is now or never. I decided on now. I shot this entire session in manual mode, and it was hard at times, frustrating and I definitely felt frazzled trying to get the right settings to get the right picture. I still have a lot to learn and not every picture came out perfectly, but this is the beginning of MUCH better pictures. I for one am ecstatic!

Now on to the Bahr family! I have noticed how small the world is through photography and the people we meet. For instance, Eric, the husband, of this family was in the previous graduating class from Bryan. And, he works with some of my good friends. And I am pretty sure he was an aid in one of the classes I took in college. Needless to say, Eric, Bryan and I had a LOT in common, both being Structural Engineers! Bridget is the gal you see in the pictures who has one of the MOST patient hearts I have ever witnessed. Imagine being a mother of three children, two who are TODDLERS. Now, imagine how patient you have to be with TWO toddlers and one baby. You get the picture. She is very patient, kind and just has the most beautiful personality. And smile. Their two toddlers, Madison and Kaiden, are just the happiest, most energetic bunch of toddlers Bryan and I had the pleasure of meeting! My favorite part of the session was just how happy Kaiden would get when he saw the ducks at the park. I'm pretty sure if I had his attitude in life, my life would be way less stressful! And, then there is sweet baby Kealy who has the BEST BEST BEST smile I have photographed. I mean all it took was one look at her and she was the happiest. I think six to seven month babies are becoming my favorites lately. All is takes is one smile from them and my heart is doing laps!

Eric and Bridget, it was so so wonderful spending the evening with the two of you and your family! Your little munchkins are too cute for words! Enjoy some of my favorites!

1 comment:

Michelle Lunn Photography said...

These are GREAT Shef!!! You go girl!! Congrats on your first all Manual Session! :)