Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Family: Melina and Lia.

The words rolled off her tongue, and I was mesmerized. Think Penelope Cruz meets Salma Hayek. She made every word sound enchantingly beautiful. Even the word precious or tree sounded unlike any word I have ever heard. And, her smile and laughter were ever so contagious. I am not kidding. We laughed the entire session, and I am pretty sure Bryan and I had laughed quite a few times to the point that I could not take pictures. She is SO funny! I should mention her gorgeous name. Melina.

Don't even get me started on her daughter, Lia. She is as breathtaking as her name. Her smiles are just like her mama. Ever so contagious. She could not stop giving me her best smiles. Everything made her happy. Everything. Just saying her name would form the biggest smile that made my own heart smile...from one side to the other.

Melina and Lia are a beautiful pair! They made my job so incredibly easy. Hearing Melina's story of how she made it to America, married a wonderful American man and is the mama to a beautiful baby girl made me feel uplifted. It made me realize how I don't just love taking photographs of the people I meet. I love their stories. You know, what lead to them to who and where they are today. SO many of my clients' stories are so inspiring, and it gives me a better understanding of who they are just like Melina and Lia's story.

Melina, you are beautiful. That is all I can say to describe you. Beautiful. Inside and outside. You have a gorgeous personality that radiates. Like the sun. As for Lia, can we babysit her?! For real. I want to hang out with her more often b/c she is just too cute for words! I hope your husband enjoys these b/c they are simply stunning! xoxo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was really nice meeting you!!!.... hope see u soon again!... By the way about the baby sitting, of courseeee! jajajaja hope see u soon and kisses