Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Family: The Gois'.

He's from Brazil. She's from Russia. Their story is simple yet fascinating. They met, fell in love, got married and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Gabriel, four months ago! Gabriel has cheeks that make me want to talk in that baby voice, make funny faces and kiss them! Both Roberto and Stacy have this glow about them. I can't really describe it. All I can say is they are happy. Happy and in love with each other, Gabriel and life.

Hearing their stories of how they ended up in America reminds me much of my parents' stories. There is always struggles, but when you are settled with wonderful jobs, great education under your belts and a beautiful family, you can beam with success. After all, in life, your family is the core of your happiness. Everything else you are rewarded with is just a plus. Something I have learned from my dad who often tells me his story. I think I remember looking at Roberto as if he was crazy to leave Brazil because let's all admit it, we all want to pack our bags and live there. There is just way too much beauty over there! But, when I looked at his face as he told me Stacy and his stories, I saw how happy he was with his decision to come here and start a new journey.

Roberto and Stacy, Bryan and I really enjoyed spending the morning with the four of you! I hope you enjoy the pictures and be checking the mailbox for a little package! xoxo.


Dasha said...

Wow! Another Ukrainian last name for you, Shefy, huh? LOVE the pictures - an adorable family.

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. What a sweet baby. I would want to squeeze those cheeks too : ) Beautiful family!